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Posted 26/07/2024 9:53am

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Young minds take the stage,
Innovation's new age dawns,
Forbes list sets the stage.

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Forbes Australia to launch inaugural 30 under 30 list, sponsorship opportunities open

Forbes Australia has launched its inaugural 30 Under 30 list, a platform designed to identify and celebrate young Australian innovators, trailblazers, and disruptors.

The Forbes 30 Under 30 list is an annual editorial feature that recognises the world's most successful entrepreneurs, leaders, and stars under the age of 30. This marks the first annual list in Australia, with nominations for the 30 Under 30 class of 2024 open until July 31.

The list will be published in the print issue of Forbes Australia and on on October 14, with sponsorship opportunities for brands looking to champion the next generation of Australian trailblazers.

"Since their inception in 2011, the Forbes 30 Under 30 lists have become the definitive list of young leaders changing the world. It has truly always been ahead of the curve, with an incredible track record of identifying young leaders before their success skyrockets. Forbes Australia is proud to officially welcome more of our local talent into this global community of bold, innovative young leaders who are changing the course of business and society," said Forbes Australia Editor-in-Chief, Sarah O’Carroll.

Notable alumni of the Forbes 30 Under 30 list include Miley Cyrus, LeBron James, Whitney Wolfe Herd, Rihanna, Daniel Ek, and Naomi Osaka. From the Australian contingent, notable alumni include Melanie Perkins, Nick Molnar, Jane Lu, Jess Hatzis, Stephanie Gilmore, William Edwards, Nik Mirkovic and Alex Tomic, Aengus Tran, Sam Koslowski and Zara Seidler.

"As a Forbes reporter constantly interviewing start-up founders, entrepreneurs and success stories in Australia, I am always surprised and impressed by how young and accomplished our changemakers are. While our start-up scene is relatively nascent compared to the US, we truly bat above our weight in terms of talent, and I know there will be no shortage of it on this year's list," added Anastasia Santoreneos, Forbes Australia 30 Under 30 List Editor.

Forbes Australia is a multi-platform media company aimed at business leaders, entrepreneurs, and success-seekers, headquartered in Sydney.

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