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Posted 18/07/2024 8:18am

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Tax time draws near fast,
Creators, knowledge is key,
Webinar shares the path.

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AiMCO and ATO deep dive influencer's tax obligations in new webinar

The Australian Influencer Marketing Council (AiMCO) is teaming up with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) for a second webinar aimed at the influencer community. The 'ATO Creator Webinar', scheduled for July 24, will provide insights on annual tax obligations for creators.

The webinar will cover topics such as declaring gifted products, handling PR samples and travel expenses, managing paid collaborations, invoicing, requirements for ABNs, operating without monetary transactions, common deductions, and managing US tax forms for international collaborations.

The webinar will be hosted by AiMCO Managing Director, Patrick Whitnall, and ATO Assistant Commissioner and Spokesperson for Tax Time 2024, Rob Thomson. Whitnall has a 25-year career in influencer and digital marketing, while Thomson is an experienced tax professional with over 10 years’ experience, including a role as Minister Counsel (Taxation) at Australia’s Permanent Delegation to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in Paris.

"Accurately understanding your tax obligations is a requirement for all Australians, and the influencer industry is no different. There are nuances to the creator-brand relationship that can be difficult to navigate, so this is an opportunity for creators to ask questions and get a better handle on what is required by the ATO. We are committed to helping Australians get their tax return right the first time, and to provide helpful tips and tricks to make tax time easier for all," said Thomson.

Whitnall said: "Our latest webinar is designed specifically for our creator community, focusing on all the tax and legal essentials they need to know. Whether they’re established influencers, or just starting in the industry, this webinar aims to help creators navigate the complexities of the administrative side of their business, so they’re informed and compliant. Our first webinar with the ATO was incredibly well-received – it provided a space for members to ask questions and get a more comprehensive understanding of their legal and tax requirements. These sessions are part of our commitment as an organisation to ensure Australia’s influencer community is employing a best practice approach to all its activities, including its tax practices."

The first ATO webinar by AiMCO, held in March, focused on tax information for talent managers and agencies and was well-received. The ATO Creator Webinar is part of AiMCO’s member webinar series, which has covered topics like safe mental health content, influencer agreements, and a deep dive into the 2024 Cannes Lions creator offering.

The webinar is free for AiMCO members and registration is available on Eventbrite.

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