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Posted 30/09/2024 3:05pm

Pic: Midjourney

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Island's unique charm,
'Come Down For Air' campaign shines,
Tasmania's star climbs.

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Tourism Tasmania bids to build on 10% awareness uplift in latest 'Come Down for Air' iteration

Tourism Tasmania has launched the sixth iteration of its 'Come Down For Air' campaign, in a bid to further highlight the island's unique appeal as a holiday destination.

The campaign, created in partnership with BMF, Starcom, and Orchard, aims to showcase Tasmania's slower pace of life compared to mainland Australia. Since the launch of the brand platform in 2019, awareness of Tasmania as a holiday destination has increased by 10%, according to the Tourism Information Monitor Q2 2024.

"As the sixth iteration of Come Down For Air, this campaign continues to build on the solid foundation we established in 2019. The platform has consistently delivered strong results – it has increased awareness of Tasmania as the antidote to the stressors of modern life, and as one of Australia’s most desired and different holiday destinations," said Chief Marketing Officer at Tourism Tasmania, Lindene Cleary.

The campaign's longevity and distinctive storytelling approach have been key to its success, according to Cleary. "Brand longevity is key in today’s competitive travel market. Come Down For Air allows Tasmania to stand out with our distinctive storytelling approach, helping us stay top of mind when Australians are ready to plan their next holiday. By maintaining this long-term approach, we’re able to reinforce Tasmania’s point of difference and drive measurable business outcomes over time."

Group Planning Director at BMF, Thomasine Burnap, said: "Come Down For Air is a long idea and the key to maintaining its success is creating the right blend of fresh and familiar. To do this, consistency is imperative and comes from leveraging the distinctive assets and experiences that are true to the brand, but equally, new insights and elements are important in maintaining the interest of our audience and being able to cut-through."

Executive Creative Director at BMF, David Fraser, said: "Come Down For Air has proven itself as a timeless platform. Timeliness has also helped keep it fresh and insightful. And having an array of lovable furry critters to show off doesn't hurt either."

The campaign will run from September 2024 to March 2025, featuring a TVC, outdoor placements, online video, on-demand content, and Meta and TikTok. Tasmania is now ranked as the most unique of all Australian destinations, reinforcing the success of the 'Come Down For Air' campaign.

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