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Posted 30/09/2024 3:00pm

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Medianet bids to disrupt media monitoring industry with new platform

Australian PR platform Medianet is taking on incumbent's in the market's $100 million media monitoring sector with the launch of a full-service platform that combines real-time monitoring, analysis, press release distribution, and media contacts.

Medianet, which is jointly owned by Australian media juggernauts News Corp and Nine Entertainment, has slated the new offering for a November launch.

The new platform will offer four key assets: Outreach (press release builder), Monitoring (real-time media coverage access), Search (smart search technology for media coverage), and Analysis (real-time insights and metrics of media coverage). It will be underpinned by the latest technologies including AI tools, large language models, and data science.

Medianet managing director Amrita Sidhu positions the platform as a response to a 'lack of meaningful and effective innovation' in the media intelligence sector.

"We are delivering a cohesive platform for a media world that has become harder to navigate and illuminate. It will work smart for customers and end the frustrations they have been experiencing for way too long," said Sidhu. "We have worked with customers in Australia for more than 40 years and we have listened to what they tell us they need. We are confident we have engineered a solution that is measurably smarter and has a superior user experience than anything else in the market, including industry-first metrics."

Sidhu claimed the platform would be more cost-effective and would give customers a new level of control over their media messaging strategy.

"We will also be better on price," she said. “This combined functionality will give our customers a new level of power over their media messaging strategy...They can create a message, get it delivered to the right people, know where it lands in the media and, critically, understand how it has been perceived.”

“The technology we have deployed resolves the blindspots which have been frustrating customers,” Sidhu continued. “It will immediately give customers a very clear view of how a campaign has performed and deep insights to shape and manage their ongoing media strategy.”

The technology will be backed by "exemplary" customer support, which Sidhu described as a hallmark of Medianet’s professional reputation.

“For all of the technical sophistication of our new platform, we certainly understand the value customers place on human touch,” she said. “We are putting control in customers’ hands but we will also be on the end of the phone if a customer needs it.”

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