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Posted 19/07/2024 10:54am

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Optimizely's stride,
New CMS, Visual Builder,
Marketers' delight.

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Optimizely unveils new SaaS CMS and Visual Builder

Digital experience platform (DXP) provider, Optimizely has launched a new Software as a Service (SaaS) Content Management System (CMS).

The product will feature a new Visual Builder, designed to provide user-friendly tools for designing, building, and optimising websites and digital experiences, is part of the company's effort to empower marketers to create personalised experiences with a sleek interface, fully customisable elements, and an interactive preview.

The new CMS boasts features such as effortless design, advanced content modelling, multi-channel management, template management, customisable workflows, and automatic upgrades and scaling. The CMS is now language-agnostic, enabling developers to get started quickly, regardless of their preference for a traditional or headless architecture.

"We wanted to build the best CMS for marketing teams. By simplifying the front-end design and content creation experience, we give marketers the creativity, speed and independence they have desired. Our CMS is now language-agnostic, allowing developers to get started quickly, whether they prefer a traditional or headless architecture. With painless upgrades and extensive capabilities, our new SaaS CMS and market-leading Visual Builder already stand out in today's increasingly competitive landscape," said Chief Product Officer at Optimizely, Rupali Jain.

The announcement also includes expanded capabilities of Optimizely Graph, a set of APIs that enable digital teams to access and repurpose content from multiple sources and deliver it anywhere. Optimizely Graph now offers faceted and fuzzy search functionalities, enhancing how users explore and find content within the integrated SaaS CMS platform.

Optimizely also provides the flexibility to leverage one of its partners like Vercel, to assist in the hosting of their frontend experiences. The company recently strengthened its partnership with Vercel, the leading Frontend Cloud platform, to provide developers with a comprehensive suite of tools that include advanced deployment capabilities, seamless scaling options, and robust performance monitoring.

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