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Posted 12/04/2024 10:56am

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Ads that load unseen,
GMP+ blocks them clean,
For a greener screen.

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Scope3 tackles problematic ad placements with GMP+

Sustainable advertising business Scope3 has launched a new product to combat problematic ad placements that are negatively impact advertisers and the environment.

Problematic include ads that load outside the visible area of the browser and those that reload frequently, practices that are unsustainable due to their significant electricity usage and detrimental impact on advertisers as consumers often overlook or ignore these ads.

GMP+ is the first product in the industry to utilise placement as the foundation, a feat made possible by the recent adoption of the Global Placement ID (GPID) standard.

"We’ve been talking for years about problematic placements and their negative impact on advertisers and the environment. With the launch of GMP+, we have the technological capability to protect advertisers, consumers, and the planet from these unsustainable practices," said Brian O’Kelley, CEO of Scope3.

GMP+ also blocks made for advertising (MFA) websites and uses the Scope3 emissions model to block high carbon inventory.

"GMP+ is at the crossroads of efficiency, performance, and sustainability, all critical aspects of media investment today. This kind of innovation will drive better results for brands and advertisers while promoting a better, more sustainable ecosystem, which needs to be the new standard for our industry," said Kyle Vidasolo, President of Outcomes at Omnicom Media Group US.

Sharethrough, a sustainable advertising ecosystem, is the first to bring GMP+ to its customers.

"We launched Sharethrough GreenPMPs two years ago in partnership with Scope3 with the objective of decarbonising digital advertising and it has already been widely adopted by over 10,000 brands. GreenPMP+ allows us to take a step further in improving performance and making advertising more sustainable. It’s pretty much a no-brainer for our clients—who doesn’t want better performance and a greener planet?" said Benoit Skinazi, CMO of Sharethrough.

Scope3's mission is to decarbonise media and advertising, and it offers a platform and solutions to visualise, measure, and reduce carbon emissions in the advertising ecosystem. Scope3 is a Public Benefit Corporation with a global team distributed across North America, Europe, and APAC.

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