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Posted 29/01/2024 5:42pm

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Fresh veg, affordable,
A campaign for health and wealth,
Aussies, eat your greens.

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Outdoor Media Association launches 'Fresh veg, deliciously affordable' campaign

The Outdoor Media Association (OMA), in partnership with Health and Wellbeing Queensland and Nutrition Australia, has launched its annual health initiative, 'Fresh veg, deliciously affordable'.

The campaign aims to encourage Australians to choose fresh over processed food and adopt a healthier, more cost-effective diet. The campaign, designed by JCDecaux Creative Solutions, will run from 28 January to the end of February.

The initiative comes at a time when food prices in Australia have risen by 4.8% in the past year, with takeaway and fast food prices being the main contributors. However, the cost of fresh fruit and vegetables has declined by 3.7%, contradicting the common misconception that eating fresh food is expensive.

The campaign will be promoted through advertising signs at various locations across Australia, including train stations, bus stops, airports, office lobbies, and roadside billboards. Online resources, such as recipes, shopping tips, and nutritional advice from experts, will also be provided to support the initiative. The Outdoor Media industry will donate over $3 million in advertising space to promote healthy habits among Australians.

"The Outdoor Media industry is committed to improving the health habits of Australians through its National Health and Wellbeing Policy,” said OMA CEO, Elizabeth McIntyre. “With such mass reach this campaign consistently gets results. Our post-campaign research from 2023 shows our healthy eating advertisements are a catalyst for change in consumer behaviour.

“This year’s message reminds everyone that eating well not only improves your health but is a more cost-effective option. We know this is something that’s so important right now, with Aussie families looking for ways to save."

Dr Robyn Littlewood, Health and Wellbeing Queensland Chief Executive Officer, emphasised the benefits of buying in-season produce.

“Research shows that buying fruit and vegetables that are in season is not only healthy, but it saves you money at the checkout,” she said. “By highlighting the savings you can pocket with in-season veggies, we hope we can encourage everyone to engage in healthy eating habits.”

Nutrition Australia’s Health Program Manager and Advanced Accredited Practising Dietitian, Amber Kelaart, also highlighted the importance of vegetables in our diet.

“Vegetables hold so much power and yet we’re still not eating enough of them. If you choose to embrace nutrient-rich vegetables, you will unlock positive change for your body and mind,” she said. “Make small changes to create a big impact. Vegetables are nutrient dense and one of the best value ways to improve your physical health and sense of wellbeing.”

The campaign will also be promoted online across various platforms, including Carsales, Guardian Australia, Nine, Pedestrian Group, REA Group, Seven West Media, and Yahoo! Australia, who have all contributed pro bono promotional space. In all, 26 members of the Outdoor Media Industry are participating in the initiative.

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