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Posted 06/09/2024 9:19am

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AI bridges gaps,
Startups and corporates unite,
InnovAItor's path.

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Lucio Ribeiro, Vijay Solanki create Innovator series: Bridging the gap between startups and corporates with AI

Former Seven Network and Optus digital marketer Lucio Ribeiro has teamed up with veteran marketer and consultant Vijay Solanki to create a new series aimed at brining together AI builders and industry leaders in a dynamic space to share knowledge, exchange ideas and explore AI and Gen AI opportunities.

The Innovator series sets out to bridge the gap between startups and corporates, and will cover critical areas of AI and Gen AI, featuring live debates and demonstrations of Gen AI tools and products. It will be hosted by Australian startup hub Fishburners, with sponsorship from M&C Saatchi Group.

"As a long-time practitioner of AI, I'm thrilled to join forces to bring together startups and corporates,” said Ribeiro. “This is a unique opportunity to listen to practitioners, learn from the doers and get to know the ecosystem of people building the future of AI and Gen AI.”

Ribeiro has an extensive background in marketing and is known for his time working alongside chief marketing officer Melissa Hopkins at Optus and Seven. The pair were two of the more high profile staffers who were made redundant from the Seven Network in a bout of sweeping redundancies in June.

Solanki said: “The InnovAItor series is not just about understanding AI; it’s about putting it into practice in a way that benefits both startups and established businesses. The mission is to use Gen AI to help better connect startups with corporate.”

Solanki, who now consults for The b'old Intern, was previously the CEO of IAB Australia and Chief Digital Officer for SCA. He has held a number of senior marketing and innovation roles for the likes of Philips, Coca Cola, Blackberry, BP,, Shazam and the UK's Capital Radio.

The inaugural event is set to take place next month, with the first session to explore the ethical use of data, models, and governance in Gen AI, led by speakers Lee Hickin, AI Technology & Policy Lead at Microsoft Asia, and Dr Kendra Vant, former AI leader at Xero and Seek. Future sessions of the InnovAItor series will cover topics such as AI & Creativity, and AI & Board/Investors.

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