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Posted 30/08/2024 8:23am

Pic: Midjourney

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Virtual stadium shines,
Engaging fans, raising funds,
Paralympics' new dawn.

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Paralympics Australia launches virtual stadium experience via SLIK

Paralympics Australia has collaborated with independent creative agency SLIK to unveil a virtual seat and stadium experience. The initiative aims to engage and educate fans through play, while simultaneously raising funds for charity. This new venture builds on the success of Paralympics Australia's fundraising campaign for Tokyo 2020.

The virtual stadium allows fans to play, explore, learn about Paralympians' stories, view behind-the-scenes content, browse Paralympics merchandise, and observe other players interacting within the virtual environment. SLIK worked closely with Para-athletes and accessibility consultants to ensure that accessibility was central to the experience.

Interim CEO of Paralympics Australia, Cameron Murray, said: "The innovative experience brings a new level of support and engagement to fans – all while delivering essential funding for our organisation, which is vital to the sustainability of Para-sport in Australia. SLIK’s creativity, innovation and enthusiasm for the project was critical in shaping the experience."

Co-founder and Head of Technology at SLIK, Kyle Bennett, said: "We’ve worked hard to raise the bar for donation campaigns, turning a one way purchase process into an engaging virtual experience. We couldn't be more proud to be helping Paralympics Australia in their mission to transform lives through the power of sport."

Fans can support Australia’s Paralympians by purchasing a virtual seat or corporate box and accessing the virtual stadium.

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