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Posted 26/09/2024 9:33am

Pic: Midjourney

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Lifeblood's call to give,
A hundred thousand reasons,
Each a life to live.

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Lifeblood gets a new brand platform in first campaign from M&C Saatchi Group

Australian Red Cross Lifeblood has launched a new brand platform in collaboration with M&C Saatchi Group, 'Life is the Reason'. It's the first work to come from the Australia Red Cross division since it appointed M&C Saatchi Group as creative behaviour change agency via a competitive pitch in July.

The new platform launches with a new campaign that seeks to gather 100,000 personal reasons behind blood, plasma, and platelet donation, as part of a broader effort to inspire 100,000 new donors annually and sustain the life-saving work that benefits countless individuals in need.

'Life is the Reason' amplifies the real, personal, and life-saving reasons of actual Lifeblood donors. Demand for red blood cells has surged by 10 percent over the past four years, and plasma demand is at an all-time high in Australia and globally. Lifeblood now collects more plasma than blood, with donated plasma being used to treat more than 50 serious medical conditions.

With only three percent of the eligible population currently donating, the campaign challenges all Australians to find their reason to give. Lifeblood is inviting Australians to visit their Reasons Hub and share their personal motivations for donating, allowing Lifeblood to showcase their reason and image within the campaign.

The campaign spans multiple platforms, including out-of-home (OOH), TVOD, digital, and social media, aiming to reach a wide audience and drive action with a purpose-built filter encouraging Aussies to share their own reason using the 'story time' trend. Earned and influencer amplification of the campaign is being driven via the passion marketing specialist arm, M&C Saatchi Sport & Entertainment.

As part of the campaign, Lifeblood will have a mobile donor centre outside the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) during the official AFL Footy Festival, from Wednesday, September 25 to Saturday, September 28 (Grand Final Day). High profile Australian talent partnering with Lifeblood to share their reasons to donate include Ben and Hester Brown, Jack Riewoldt, Chantelle Otten, Dave Hughes, Erin Molan and Tim Robards.

M&C Saatchi’s National Executive Creative Director, Emma Robbins, said: "Our goal together was to create a campaign that can talk to all blood product donations and makes people feel both the urgency but also the impact of their donation. ‘Life is the Reason’ is about connecting deeply with every Australian’s innate sense of generosity, empathy and community. It’s a campaign that makes you stop, think, and realise that whatever your reason, you have the power to save lives.”

Lifeblood’s Chief Marketing Officer, Jeremy Weiss, said: “We’re asking people to find just one reason why they should donate,” and “The campaign aims to change the mindset from why people don’t donate to the many powerful reasons why they should.”

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