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Posted 18/09/2024 3:58pm

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Digital divide,
Media funding in strife,
Man of Many strives.

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Man of Many tackles Australia's media funding challenges in new content series

Man of Many has launched the first two parts of a new series titled 'The Digital Divide - Australia's Fight for Fair Media Funding'. The series is part of their Digital Media Digest monthly LinkedIn newsletter and delves into the complexities of media funding in the current digital landscape.

Part 1 of the series discusses the issues surrounding the News Media Bargaining Code (NMBC) and suggests a Tech Tax Levy as a potential solution. The NMBC, a legislative framework designed to level the playing field between traditional news media businesses and digital platforms, has been a topic of intense debate. The suggestion of a Tech Tax Levy as a potential solution indicates a shift in thinking about how to ensure fair media funding.

Part 2 of the series delves deeper into the NMBC's shortcomings. It highlights how the NMBC has not lived up to its promises, reinforcing the dominance of Big Tech and leaving smaller publishers struggling. This part of the series underscores the challenges faced by smaller publishers in a media landscape increasingly dominated by tech giants.

Links to both parts of the series are provided in the email, allowing interested readers to delve deeper into the issues discussed. The series is available for subscription via the Digital Media Digest Monthly newsletter, offering readers regular insights into the evolving digital media landscape.

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