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Posted 19/09/2024 9:04am

Pic: Midjourney

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Zoom Zoom returns loud,
Mazda's roar echoes in streets,
Brand fame drives ahead.

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Mazda Australia revs up 'Zoom Zoom' campaign with high-impact oOh!media launch

Mazda Australia has launched a high-impact Out of Home (OOH) campaign at Sydney’s Martin Place Retail precinct, reigniting its 'Zoom Zoom' brand proposition. The campaign is the flagship action of a broader national rollout, leveraging oOh!’s 10 digital screens at Martin Place, and extending across oOh!’s multi-format network nationwide.

The campaign utilises a mix of classic, digital and consecutive placement to amplify creative impact at scale across Street, Road, and Retail environments. Alastair Doak, director marketing of Mazda Australia, said, "Martin Place Retail introduces our refreshed 'Zoom Zoom' proposition on a big unmissable canvas. Situated at the heart of Sydney’s commuter journey, it’s high-dwell environment allows us to connect with a key audience with impact, aligning with our long-term brand strategy."

Chris Freel, group director sales, oOh!, echoed Doak's sentiments, stating, "As someone who has always been a fan of the original ‘Zoom Zoom’ concept, and as a proud Mazda driver, it's exciting to see the campaign make such a strong return. Mazda's takeover of Martin Place, combined with the scale of our network, is creating an unmissable presence. It’s a perfect example of how oOh! drives brand fame."

OMD, Mazda’s media agency, played a key role in ensuring the campaign's success by strategically placing the brand at touchpoints to maximise impact across multiple environments. Sharon Cookson, managing partner OMD Melbourne, commented, "The new Martin Place Retail space is like no other. It captures the bustling energy of Sydney in a premium quality precinct which is a great strategic fit with the Mazda brand and an ideal platform to launch the new ‘Zoom Zoom’ brand campaign developed by CHEP. It’s a powerful combination of impact and dwell time that’ll ensure creative memorability."

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