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Posted 14/08/2024 2:35pm

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Smoke Kills campaign calls,
For a ban on fossil fuels,
Health over profit.

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Comms declare launches 'Smoke Kills' campaign: A call to ban fossil fuel advertising

Comms Declare, supported by a report from Doctors for the Environment, has launched a campaign titled 'Smoke Kills', urging the Australian Government to ban all new fossil fuel production, advertising, and sponsorships.

The campaign is based on health data indicating that fossil fuel pollution kills more people globally each year than smoking (8.1 million versus 7 million).

The campaign was created by B Corp creative agency Silver Lining, with a paid push from Alchemy One, and spans out-of-home, social, and digital channels. The campaign directs people to to sign a petition calling for a complete ban on new coal, oil, and gas projects, along with nationwide restrictions on advertising and sponsorships for these harmful products.

As part of the campaign, 300 fossil fuel-themed 'cigarette' packets were distributed to MPs, journalists, and media. The packets align with the plain tobacco packaging introduced in Australia in 2012 that contain health hazard warnings. The campaign has also leveraged Canberra Airport's 'The Capitals' billboard and Street Fighter cyclist to garner support.

"Coal, oil and gas companies are threatening everything we value and love. The climate and health impacts of fossil fuels means they are fast becoming our most deadly advertised products. We’re proud to be bringing together such incredible agencies to be a voice for positive action and to clearly show that fossil fuels are worse than smoking, gambling and alcohol combined," said Belinda Noble, Founder of Comms Declare.

Dr Kate Wylie, DEA Executive Director and GP, echoed this sentiment. "The Australian community has been lied to for decades, from the multi-billion dollar fossil fuel industry about the impacts their products have on our health, and this has to stop. We saw the reality of the impacts smoking has on health and came together as a country to make swift changes to take away the ability for tobacco companies to peddle lies so we could protect the community. Now is the time to show the same leadership and act on this next public health frontier on fossil fuels."

Jonny Clow, Managing Director of Silver Lining, highlighted Australia's progressive stance on tobacco advertising regulations.

"It’s incredible to think that Australia was one of the most progressive countries worldwide regarding advertising regulations for tobacco... Australia was the first country in the world to introduce plain packaging in 2012, so why do we think so differently about fossil fuel advertising? The imagery used on cigarette packets is burnt into our retinas. So we fully expect the campaign’s imagery, and simple message will illicit a simple and conclusive action."

Comms Declare represents over 100 organisations and hundreds of communications professionals who have declared they will not promote harmful products. Doctors for the Environment Australia are medical doctors advocating for a healthy planet, free of pollution, rich in biodiversity, and sustainable for current and future generations.

Silver Lining is a B Corp creative agency dedicated to helping out charities, other B Corps, and any organisation that wants to leave a positive impact on the world.

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