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Posted 10/09/2024 5:42pm

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Adtech startup's stride,
Carbon footprint in their sight,
For a greener ride.

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Adtech startup Cake.Shop partners with Hiili for carbon tracking

Adtech startup Cake.Shop has announced a partnership with carbon measurement platform Hiili. The collaboration aims to enable brands to measure the environmental impact of their digital advertising and use of AI. As part of the partnership, carbon emission reporting will be delivered to Cake.Shop clients as part of their 'Sustain' product offering. The reporting works by tracking every digital ad impression across all platforms, allowing brands to optimise in real time and select low carbon emitting supply paths.

Hiili, a joint venture between Spain’s Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and veterans from the media and advertising industries, was born out of an academic research venture in Spain. The Hiili platform allows brands to connect their ad server, DSP, chat GPT, and social media accounts for a complete overview of a brand’s digital carbon emissions, including methods for optimisation.

Cake.Shop Founder Luke Hills said, “We know that brands want to substantially reduce their carbon footprint and make better more informed, data lead decisions about their environmental impact, and our partnership with Hiili will enable pixel integration for any digital media campaign including its use of AI.” He added, “We are delighted to bring the Hiili technology to Australia that will give companies accurate emissions tracking not just on digital marketing but also its use of AI.”

The co-founders of Hiili, Steffen Svartberg and Tommy Torjesen, expressed their commitment to empowering brands with the data and tools they need to make informed decisions about their carbon footprint through a scientific approach through their partnership with Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. They said, “Our partnership with Cake.Shop represents a significant step forward in providing advertisers with the insights necessary to drive sustainable change.”

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