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Posted 05/02/2024 7:26pm

Pic: Midjourney

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ME Bank's new stride,
Charity with every slide,
Do-Gooders' pride ride.

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ME Bank's 'do-gooders' campaign: A new spin on charitable giving

ME Bank has unveiled a new marketing campaign, 'Do-Gooders', aimed at promoting its suite of charity-linked Visa debit cards, digital app (ME Go), and bank accounts (SpendME, HomeME, and SaveME).

The campaign is built on ME's brand platform of 'Making Money Good' and aligns with the group's long history of community involvement, dating back to 1994. Through this, ME Bank has partnered with organisations such as the Mother’s Day Classic, National Breast Cancer Foundation, and Melbourne Queer Film Festival.

The new suite of Visa debit cards each supports an Australian charity across five categories: Mental health, women’s health, community, diversity, and the environment. For every transaction made using the SpendME cards, ME Bank donates 1c on behalf of the customer to their chosen charity. This initiative allows customers to contribute to charitable causes without any additional cost to them.

The 'Do-Gooders' campaign will run in New South Wales and Victoria from February until the end of March across various channels including TV, OOH, radio, YouTube, catch-up TV, cinema, Spotify, digital display, and social. The campaign was created by BOQ Group’s 'The Inside Job'.

"With cost-of-living pressures affecting many Aussie households, ME’s SpendME cards allow customers to make a difference without having to reach into their own pocket. It’s also great for well-meaning customers who have charitable intentions, but never actually get around to donating. SpendME makes doing good effortless," Mark Hunter, ME’s Chief Customer Officer, said.

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