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Posted 30/08/2024 9:47am

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Racing site now leads,
Next.js tech takes the reins,
In the web's fast lane.

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Racing WA consolidates 12 websites into a single platform via The Brand Agency

Racing WA has launched a new website that consolidates its existing 12 sites into a single platform. Developed in partnership with The Brand Agency, the new website is built on a world-first technology solution and provides access to news, industry resources, ownership details, animal welfare information, and more.

The website integrates with Racing WA's existing race data application, offering a more streamlined and cohesive content delivery solution, providing a more integrated and user-friendly experience for the organization's digital audience.

The website is built on a world-first technology solution, using a Headless Next.js architecture with a decoupled hosting solution on Sitefinity Cloud and Vercel. The CMS solution utilises the new Next.js Renderer product from Progress, the company behind Sitefinity CMS. This is the first website in the world built on this technology, marking a significant milestone in web development.

"Our goal was to connect our vast racing content with our extensive race data in a more meaningful way. Thanks to the integrations developed by TBA, we now have a cohesive content delivery solution that better serves our online audience," said Head of Content at Racing WA, Richard Quance.

The Brand Agency's technology team worked closely with Progress's Product Engineering Team to finalise the product for its official launch later this year. The website features a bi-directional integration with Racing WA's data platform for enhanced search functionality and content tagging.

"The Brand Agency brought invaluable Next.js expertise to this pilot project, allowing us to bring the Sitefinity Next.js frontend renderer to market so fast," said Senior Product Manager at Progress, Peter Filipov.

Head of Technology at The Brand Agency, Paul Hamilton, said: "We are thrilled to have collaborated with Racing WA and the Progress Engineering Team on this landmark project. The increasing demand for Next.js solutions reflects its power and versatility, and our development team thrives on working with such cutting-edge technology."

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