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Posted 30/08/2024 8:17am

Pic: Midjourney

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Body+Soul gears up for four-week campaign to support Sex Census results

New Corp Australia's health and wellness brand, Body+Soul, is preparing to release the findings of its 2024 Sex Census - a nationwide survey involved over 2000 participants aged between 18 and 75 years old that seeks to uncover shifts in sexual health, wellness, education, dating, and relationships in Australia over the past five years.

Presented by sexual wellness brand VUSH, the release of the Sex Census will kickstart a four-week editorial and marketing campaign aimed at breaking taboos and presenting unfiltered facts. The campaign will be launched this Sunday on the Body+Soul website, and across various Sunday newspapers including The Sunday Telegraph (NSW), Sunday Herald Sun (VIC), The Sunday Mail (QLD), and Sunday Mail (SA).

The campaign will be supported by a comprehensive marketing strategy across digital, print, audio, and social channels. Body+Soul's monthly cross-platform audience of more than 1.47 million will provide a broad reach for the campaign.

Editor-in-Chief of Body+Soul, Jacqui Mooney, said: “As a brand, Body+Soul believes that topics like sexual health and pleasure should be spoken about as openly as any other aspect of physical and mental wellbeing. In fact, we've made it our mission to normalise conversations in this space. Which is why, after a break of five years, we've brought back one of our biggest and most iconic initiatives."

General Manager and Chief Marketing Officer at VUSH, Liana Lorenzato, said: “We’re thrilled to partner with Body+Soul for their national Sex Census. At VUSH, we’re committed to breaking down the barriers surrounding conversations about pleasure and sexual wellness.“

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