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Posted 29/08/2024 10:04am

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Triton, NOVA unite,\nIn audio's ad landscape bright,\nA game-changer in sight.",
"rating": "90",
"tags": "marketing

In partnership with

NOVA Entertainment taps Triton Digital's contextual targeting solution

Australian audio business NOVA Entertainment has partnered with Triton Digital, implementing the global audio industry technology and services company's contextual targeting product, Sonder, across its audio portfolio.

Sounder's advanced contextual targeting capabilities, brand suitability, and cutting-edge podcast promotional tools will be introduced, giving NOVA Entertainment unprecedented control over its audio advertising ecosystem. Key features of the Sounder solution include best-in-class contextual targeting, premium brand placement, and AI-powered promotional tools.

VP of Market Development and Strategy for APAC at Triton Digital, Richard Palmer, said: “Our partnership with NOVA Entertainment exemplifies our commitment to providing publisher-led end-to-end solutions that drive innovation in the audio industry,” said Palmer. “By combining Triton’s technology with NOVA’s market leadership, we’re creating an ecosystem where publishers have full control over their advertising chain, from contextual targeting to brand safety and beyond.”

Director of Digital Capability and Data at NOVA Entertainment, Tim Armstrong, said: ""Integrating the Sounder solution into our offering is further demonstration of how we’re building class-leading commercial products for our customers,” said Armstrong. “This technology not only allows us to offer unparalleled targeting and brand safety to our advertisers but also enhances our ability to promote and monetise our diverse audio content effectively. It's a game-changer that puts the power back in the hands of creators and publishers.""

Triton Digital acquired Sounder in March 2024 to incorporate Sounder’s brand suitability solutions and AI-powered podcast understanding into Triton Digital’s existing audio streaming and podcasting technology. This partnership builds on the momentum from the launch of Demos+ in Australia last year, which provides advertisers with advanced audience segmentation capabilities.

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