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Posted 27/09/2024 9:20am

Image by DALL·E Pic: Midjourney

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AI in the cloud,
Marketers' new guide is found,
Success now unbound.

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GrowthLoop applies AI to the data cloud to allow marketers to measure business impact

GrowthLoop has launched 'The Loop', a Software as a Service (SaaS) platform that utilises artificial intelligence (AI) to delve into the data cloud and reveal the business impact of marketing. The Loop is designed to provide marketers with insights into how specific marketing channels and audiences directly affect business outcomes.

The platform securely applies AI to data from marketing channel results, customer interactions, and sales performance to uncover campaign insights and future recommendations. Unlike traditional customer data platforms (CDPs), The Loop applies AI to the data cloud, offering a holistic view across all campaign performance data, audience data, and sales results.

"The Loop is an absolute game-changer for marketers," said VP of Marketing at GrowthLoop, Rebecca Corliss. "For the first time, marketers can see the sales they produce for each audience across any channel or campaign and make improvements based on what made money, not just clicks."

The Loop is designed to help marketing teams leverage AI to accelerate their ability to learn, execute, and improve marketing value. The platform sits atop major data clouds - including Google Cloud BigQuery, Snowflake, Databricks, and Amazon Redshift - which act as a single source of truth for company data and ensure full data security within these environments.

"The Loop is revolutionising the marketing function. Previously, marketing teams contended with a myriad of fragmented systems and data, akin to navigating a complex trail with a blurred map. With our new approach, it's as if an experienced guide has joined the expedition, providing seasoned insights that enable smarter, more informed decisions," said CEO of GrowthLoop, Chris O'Neill.

The Loop's application of generative AI across comprehensive data sets provides marketers with the knowledge they need to drive strategic decision-making and campaign optimisation.

"Digital marketing has always been malleable, but the process of testing ideas, pulling data, and seeing results has traditionally been slowed down by technical bottlenecks," said data and marketing technology industry analyst and editor of, Scott Brinker. "The Loop accelerates the entire campaign process, democratising it from hypothesis to execution. Instead of running 10 experiments a year, we can now run hundreds-and find exponentially more success. This type of technology isn't replacing marketers; it's eliminating the technical barriers that have held us back."

The Loop is now available and will be showcased at GrowthLoop Live on October 1.

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