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Posted 26/07/2024 11:31am

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Accounting's new call,
'Make Epic Things Happen' rings,
Talent gap to fall.

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Chartered Accountants ANZ addresses talent shortage with new recruitment campaign

Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CA ANZ) has unveiled a new campaign aimed at addressing the critical shortage of accountants, auditors, and finance professionals.

Titled 'Make Epic Things Happen', the new campaign is being screened in cinemas across Australia and New Zealand during the showings of 'Deadpool & Wolverine'. The campaign is also supported by a six-month digital out-of-home, social media, and digital advertising campaign.

The campaign is part of CA ANZ's strategy to change Gen Z's perceptions of careers in accounting and attract more people to the profession. Student enrolments in accounting degrees at universities have almost halved since 2018, creating a gap in the profession's talent pipeline. A survey conducted by CA ANZ earlier this year found fill rates were below 67 percent for several accounting-related occupations. Forecasts show that 31,000 new jobs in the profession will be needed over the next five years to 2028, and 58,000 over 10 years to 2033.

CA ANZ is promoting the profession to high school students through career fairs and school visits, and partnerships with Year13, YES and Explore Careers. CA ANZ represents more than 139,000 financial professionals, supporting them to make a difference to the businesses, organisations and communities in which they work and live.

"You may not realise this, but behind every sporting team you support, brand you love and game you play there is a financial expert. They may not be in the spotlight, but they play a vital role behind the scenes making ‘Epic Things Happen’ for small and big businesses," said CA ANZ Chief Executive Officer, Ainslie van Onselen. "Whether you’re interested in developing a new mobile phone app, organising live music events or changing the world with your own not-for-profit, accounting is a career that can open doors to just about any industry you’re passionate about."

Van Onselen also highlighted the need for a strong pipeline of students, diverse pathways into the profession, and government education, skills and migration policies that recognise and value the profession’s contribution. "We’re committed to doing everything we can to support an inclusive, respectful and fair profession that meets the values-based career aspirations of next generation talent."

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