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Posted 25/09/2024 10:59am

Image by DALL·E Pic: Midjourney

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AI tools take flight,
Creativity's new height,
In Squarespace's sight.

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Squarespace takes wrappers off AI-powered design tools at Refresh 2024 showcase

Squarespace has unveiled a suite of design and content generation tools for Australian entrepreneurs and small to medium businesses (SMBs) as part of its annual product showcase, Refresh 2024. It's all grouped under the moniker 'Design Intelligence', an AI tool designed to support human creativity, not replace it. As part of Design Intelligence, Squarespace has launched Blueprint AI, an AI-powered website builder that creates bespoke websites based on user inputs. The tool supports users at every step of the website building process, from onboarding to design and functionality stages. Blueprint AI is now available globally in all languages.

Squarespace's Chief Product Officer, Paul Gubbay, said AI should be a tool that unlocks creativity and opportunity, not replace it. Design Intelligence combines AI with two decades of Squarespace's design expertise to support and amplify user creativity in building their online presence, he said.

Squarespace has also ushered in new features such as Layout Switcher, Site Themes, Brand Identity Management, and Usability & Expressibility Tools. The platform additionally offers business management tools like client invoicing, content & memberships, donations, marketing tools, and business guidance.

Squarespace continues to invest in its domain registration service, Domains by Squarespace, and has introduced a new Domains Dashboard and a Reseller API. The company has updated its appointment scheduling tool, Acuity Scheduling, and introduced Product Links for Bio Sites.

"Squarespace champions the irreplaceable value of human creativity, and our latest platform innovations are designed to further empower entrepreneurs to easily bring their visions, brands, and businesses to life," said Anthony Casalena, Founder and CEO of Squarespace.

“Squarespace amplifies creative potential with an unmatched digital presence, tools to streamline business management, and support as users grow and scale,” said Gubbay.

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