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Posted 08/08/2024 10:56am

Image by DALL·E Pic: Midjourney

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Bureau's new venture,
An eBike brand on the rise,
Innovation's ride.

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Bureau of Everything gears up for new eBike brand launch

Bureau of Everything (BoE) has made its first major client announcement following its appointment of agency of record for new, unamed eBike brand that is due to launch in Australia later this year.

The creative shop, launched in May by former M&C Saatchi chief creative and strategy duo Cam Blackley and Emily Taylor, will be responsible for the naming, brand design, packaging, and launch campaign for the new client.

"Trying to find a partner to offer us something truly unique in this space was tricky. BoE was quick to show us the magic we were after and already feel like an extension of our team. The brand they are bringing to life for us is the perfect mix of wicked and smart," said Abe Mikhail, Founder of the new eBike brand.

The project is currently in progress at BoE's new office in Surry Hills.

"We’re blessed to be able to influence a brand so completely like this. To design a brand from scratch, but also to be let in on the manufacturing process and shape key product design decisions was always part of the creative dream for Bureau. That and launching a brand that will help you outrun the fuzz," said Creative Founder of Bureau of Everything, Cam Blackley.

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