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Posted 05/08/2024 9:28am

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Amplify's new shift,
Diverse talent finds its place,
Creativity's gift.

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Amplify returns to D&AD Shift to nurture young Sydney creatives

Global creative agency Amplify has extended its partnership with Design and Art Direction (D&AD) for the third consecutive year, in support of D&AD Shift, an industry-led, free night school for self-taught creatives. The initiative aims to expand the experiential creative pool in Australia, offering a platform for creatives from non-traditional educational backgrounds to enter the advertising, design and creative industries.

D&AD Shift operates in six international cities: London, Sydney, New York, Berlin, Hamburg, and São Paulo. The programme's mission is to assist creatives entering the industry from non-traditional pathways to transition their creative talent into career-making skills.

Foundation Director at D&AD, Paul Drake, said: "D&AD Shift's mission is to challenge the assumption that the best creative talent can only be found within certain universities, communities and those who have privileged networks. Creativity thrives from diverse minds and perspectives, and the only way this can be harnessed is by agencies and brands looking beyond the traditional access routes to get in. With the continued support of our partners such as Amplify, the Shift Sydney program is connecting a growing wave of self-made creative talent to the industry."

Amplify, a global creative agency specialising in brand experience and culture, has created integrated campaigns and experiences for brands including Google, Converse, Nike, Spotify, YouTube, PlayStation, and Campari.

Amplify Executive Creative Director, Tim Baggott, said:"As someone who took an unconventional path into a commercial creative role myself, I truly see the value in Shift as a means for creative people to foster connections and fast track their knowledge and experience of the advertising industry. Amplify is delighted to continue to support this fantastic initiative by introducing the cohort to the brand experience space."

Amplify is also the creator of Young Blood, a deep dive into modern Australian youth culture, further demonstrating its commitment to nurturing and championing young creative talent.

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