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Posted 24/09/2024 9:36am

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Video's future bright,
Investment levels in sight,
Outcomes in the light.

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Video Futures Collective partners with GroupM, Adgile on research to optimise video investment, VEVO the latest to join alliance

The Video Futures Collective (VFC) has launched its first research project, partnering with GroupM and total TV measurement shop Adgile to explore the optimal investment levels within the video market for clients to achieve stronger business outcomes.

Launched in March 2024, the VFC is an alliance between Foxtel Media, YouTube, Samsung Ads, Disney Advertising and SBS on Demand that set out to openly discuss video advertising and develop video advertising and potentially collaborate on a new currency. VEVO has also recently joined the initiative alongside the founding members.

The new project will delve into the nuances within video, including metrics such as budget allocation, audience reach, frequency, impressions, and online platform expenditure.

Brands participating in the analysis are part of the GroupM network across a range of client categories. The project will also evaluate historical data from VFC member organisations, including ad spot information, audience metrics, spending data, and relevant KPIs per advertiser like web visitation and sales revenue.

"We are excited to participate in the VFC research as it will allow GroupM to build a deeper understanding of the Video On Demand (VOD) landscape in its entirety. Having one holistic approach across the video ecosystem is an important step forward to deliver optimal VOD strategies with outcome-based results for our clients,” said Chief Investment Officer, GroupM, Melissa Hey.

Director of Customer Insights at Adgile, Stu Carr, said: "Screen platforms offer advertisers increasingly diverse ways of reaching and connecting with audiences, but the impact of that diversity on business outcomes still needs to be fully understood. Marketers who invest in granular, cross-screen measurement, to capture these nuances and adapt accordingly see substantial improvements in effectiveness and ROI. Adgile is thrilled to partner with the VFC and GroupM, leveraging our proprietary technology to measure and demonstrate how brands can better use screen platforms to drive better business outcomes."

The first phase of results from Adgile’s research is expected to be released in the coming months.

Director of Customer Engagement, Foxtel Media and a member of the VFC steering committee, Toby Dewar, said: “The VFC is thrilled to begin its research initiative with this exciting project bringing together Adgile and GroupM to dive into how investment in video translates to direct business results. We hope the results of this project will help not only refine ad budgets allocation, but also elevate the measurement standards and maximise the impact of cross-screen campaigns."

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