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Posted 14/08/2024 4:55pm

Pic: Midjourney

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Tech and AI lead,
Hendel joins the VML team,
A new journey's seed.

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Former Sitecore Solution Engineering VP, Nikolaj Hendel, joins VML as executive director, Technology and AI

Nikolaj Hendel, former Vice President of Solution Engineering JAPAC at Sitecore, has taken up a new role at WPP's VML as Executive Director, Technology and AI. Hendel, who held various positions at Sitecore for nearly nine years, has a rich history in the agency world, with stints at Isobar, SapientRazorfish, and Blue Arc prior to Sitecore.

Hendel said his decision to return to agency work was influenced by the opportunity to collaborate with Thomas Tearle, Miles Cox, and Johan Borg at VML. "My story in the martech and agency world continues! My return to agency was driven by the most important component - people. The chance to work with Thomas Tearle, Miles Cox, and Johan Borg was too good to pass - and being able to do it at VML, with the talent and potential here, made it perfect," Hendel stated.

Emphasising his enthusiasm for his new role, Hendel added, "I'm excited to be in the mix of technology and solutions again and look forward to the journey."

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