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Posted 14/02/2024 8:41am

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Half Dome's strategy shift,
Cosstick leads, Harms moves to clients,
New era begins swift.

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Half Dome to refresh strategic approach, hires Adrian Cosstick and shakes up leadership team

Independent media agency Half Dome has appointed former Wavemaker ANZ Strategy Director, Adrian Cosstick, as its new Head of Strategy.

Cosstick will lead Half Dome’s strategic product and play a significant role in new business, while also focusing on evolving Half Dome’s planning process to unlock boundary-breaking work for clients.

Cosstick (pictured) brings over 14 years of industry experience to the role, having worked with brands including DoorDash, Jetstar, AGL, A2, Australia Post, and iSelect. Prior to his tenure at Wavemaker ANZ, Cosstick held positions as Strategy Director at Maxus Global, Head of Marketing at Draftstars Ltd, and Commercial Manager at CrownBet.

Under the changes, Half Dome co-founder and current Head of Strategy, Will Harms, will transition into the role of Head of Clients. Harms expressed his excitement about the appointment.

"I have been chasing Age for a very, very long time so I am super excited to have him on board. We have always been aligned about the future of media strategy, so we can’t wait to build a super distinctive strategic product that brings that to life," he said. "Hiring a new Head of Strategy will also allow me to focus purely on my role as Head of Clients, unlocking further benefits for our partners. We think having two senior strategy resources in the business will represent a real superpower for Half Dome, seeing strategic thinking to permeate through the whole business."

Cosstick also shared his enthusiasm about joining Half Dome, highlighting an innovative and agile business with a unique point of difference in the market.

"I’m looking forward to working with Will and the team to future-proof our clients’ communication strategies and design transformative solutions that combine creativity, technology, and pragmatism. Developments in AI and marketing science make it an exciting time to work in communication and media planning," he said.

This appointment comes as Half Dome recently underwent a major refresh of its brand, strategy, and identity with the launch of 'Whole Potential'. The agency also recently won client Vitasoy and expanded its SEO remit for client GMHBA and Frank Insurance. Cosstick’s appointment is effective immediately.

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