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Posted 04/09/2024 9:07am

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Clemenger UnLtd,
A new era in marketing,
Unleashing potential.

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Clemenger Group unveils Clemenger UnLtd in New Zealand, integrating five agencies

Clemenger Group is bringing together five New Zealand agencies together with the launch of Clemenger UnLtd in New Zealand.

The new entity is designed to connect the capabilities of Clemenger BBDO Wellington; BrandWorld, purchased back in 2008; Perceptive, which it acquired in 2017; Proximity - which itself is an integration of 99 and JustOne undertaken in 2021; and the local operations of LEVO in New Zealand, which Clemenger purchased in 2018. Clemenger UnLtd will offer a suite of services spanning consumer insights and data, behaviour change and brand creative, customer experience, technology enablement, and partnership marketing and channels.

Clemenger UnLtd is described as a hybrid entity, part consultancy, part agency, part design studio, and all creativity. The executive team includes Brett Hoskin, Daniel Shaw, Clint Bratton, Tim Freeman, and Sandra Daniel. Brigid Alkema will serve as Chief Creative Officer of Clemenger UnLtd, and the agency will be chaired by Clemenger Group CEO, Les Timar.

Daniel, an experienced marketing leader, joins Clemenger UnLtd from Oceania Healthcare. The new entity will be based in both Auckland and Wellington, working alongside Clemenger Group companies Colenso BBDO, Raydar and GRC Partners + Porter Novelli in New Zealand and across the Group's broader Trans-Tasman network.

"Clemenger UnLtd is built upon connected thinking and an unlimited understanding of people – their needs and behaviours. Its purpose is to unlock the potential that sits within our clients, their customers or audiences, uncovering insights that lead to effective outcomes and create growth," said Timar.

The new entity is designed to foster collaboration and innovation among its teams. "Each practice area within this unified team model will maintain its own speciality, while giving our people the opportunity to operate in a more diverse playground. This means enhanced collaboration, innovation and learning. Which means greater IQ, CQ and EQ for our clients," added Timar.

Clemenger Group comprises 20 individual companies across multiple disciplines, continues to adapt and innovate to meet the changing needs of its clients and the wider marketing landscape.

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