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Posted 27/09/2024 10:54am

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Identity fears,
Digital walls rise and fall,
Trust in tech appears.

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Aussie consumers demand better digital security: Ping Identity survey

Ping Identity, a provider of seamless and secure digital experiences, has released its 2024 Consumer Survey, revealing a significant concern among Australian consumers about identity fraud and the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on their identity security.

The survey found that 87% of Australian consumers are worried about identity fraud, with 73% expressing a desire for changes to how they log into apps and websites. A significant 88% have complaints about passwords, with 60% admitting they have too many to keep track of.

When interacting with online brands, consumers' top concerns are security (77%), ease of use (77%), and privacy/consent (66%). A substantial 55% have stopped using an online service due to frustrations when trying to log in.

In terms of preferred security measures, multi-factor authentication (53%), one-time logins (50%), and biometrics (36%) are perceived as both secure and convenient. However, despite the growing use of AI in personal and professional life, with 36% of consumers using it, 69% would still prefer to speak to a human for additional support, even if that experience takes longer.

The survey also highlighted that 96% of consumers have concerns about their personal data being online, with only 7% having full trust in organisations that manage their identity data. A significant 33% have fallen victim to identity fraud, with financial identity fraud (19%), account takeover (8%), and impersonation (7%) being the most common types of fraud experienced.

In addition, 29% of respondents receive spam calls daily, and 84% admitted barriers to adopting a digital wallet on their personal mobile device, with common hesitations including loss of their phone (52%) and increased security risks from cyber-attacks (43%).

"Today’s challenging economic times leave no room for complacency. The companies that will survive and thrive are those that consistently provide customers with a seamlessly secure digital experience. By harnessing new technologies such as AI and digital credentials to personalise experiences and empower control, businesses can shape a future where login burdens are few and trust in personal identity security is commonplace," said Vice President Australia and New Zealand, Ping Identity, Ashley Diffey.

The survey was conducted during winter 2024 and is based on responses collected from 1000 Australian consumers about their personal experiences and beliefs surrounding identity security.

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