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Posted 24/07/2024 9:33am

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Strike looms at Nine's door,
Journalists seek fairer deal,
Olympics in store.

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Nine publishing journalists vote for strike amid enterprise bargaining dispute and just days before Olympics kick-off

Journalists employed by Nine Publishing have voted to strike this Friday if the company fails to reach a new enterprise bargaining agreement as a meeting between the ASX-listed media giant and the Media Federation takes place today.

The decision to strike follows the company's refusal to deliver a deal that includes a better than CPI increase, diversity pay audit and quotas, protection against the use of AI, and adherence to the MEAA freelance charter of rights. It also comes after Nine announced 90 job cuts in its publishing division, bearing the brunt of up to 200 across the organisation, as well as multi-million dollar payouts to senior executives.

In addition, the strike comes as Nine begins to enact its purchase of the group broadcast rights to the Olympics this week with the Paris 24 summer games. The rights bill was previously reported to be worth $305 million over the next five events including both summer and winter tournaments.

"The company's pay offer fails to acknowledge cost of living pressures and management has not dealt with other claims from journalists including a genuine commitment to better workplace gender and cultural diversity, improvements to grade progression and protection through consultation in relation to AI," said Michelle Rae, Acting Director of MEAA Media.

"These mastheads are strong financial performers, and have a reputation for award-winning journalism, and Nine needs to invest in its editorial front line ahead of its financial bottom line."

Journalists at the Sydney Morning Herald, The Age, The Australian Financial Review, Brisbane Times and WA have voted to stop work for five days, including the opening weekend of the Paris Olympic Games.

"The decision to go on strike was not made lightly as an event like the Olympics only comes along once every four years," Rae stated. She also expressed regret for the disruption the industrial action may cause and urged Nine Publishing's management to resolve the issues in the bargaining meeting on Wednesday.

A Nine spokesperson responded: "We intend to proceed with the meeting we agreed to with the MEAA this Wednesday, where we will continue to negotiate in good faith with the bargaining committee."

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