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Posted 23/09/2024 1:32pm

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CarExpert revs high,
A multi-format campaign,
IPO in sight.

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CarExpert revs up for IPO with $4m multi-format media campaign

CarExpert, the Australian automotive authority, has unveiled a $4m multi-format media campaign ahead of its forthcoming Initial Public Offering (IPO). The campaign encompasses a variety of formats including video, digital, display, and direct-response, and features digital sponsorships of popular shows such as Sunrise, The Morning Show, The Chase, and 7 News.

The company has seen a significant increase in its online presence, with record website visits and a burgeoning YouTube channel nearing 500K subscribers and attracting 3.5M views in August alone.

"We’re delighted to further amplify the CarExpert brand beyond the millions of monthly visitors we are already seeing on", said CarExpert Chief Marketing Officer, Chris Catchpoole. “We’re fresh off breaking all our Australian visitation records in August, so we’re confident this campaign’s strong media footprint and its alignment with trusted properties like Sunrise and 7News, will deliver further growth. We feel it is launching at the perfect time.”

The company has also introduced new products, including a 'Fillboard' product that offers close to 100% viewability which it claims has delivered click-through-rates more than four times higher than other rich media solutions.

"We know that content sells cars and it’s great to be seeing such strong organic growth of our brand", said Paul Maric, co-founder and presenter for CarExpert. "Doubling-down on organic growth with this considerable media investment demonstrates our eagerness to cement ourselves as the most trusted authority when it comes to new cars.”

In addition to its YouTube presence, CarExpert has begun hosting videos independently on its site, providing greater advertising control than embedded YouTube videos.

"Though some may still see us a ‘start-up’ externally, we’re proud to say that the automotive industry is recognising us as a genuine authority in new cars. We’ve got more advertising and dealership partners than ever before and we know our exciting development roadmap will only unlock more opportunities in the near term", said CEO, Damon Rielly. "We’re in a very strong position as we gear for a forthcoming IPO, and we see this campaign solidifying our position even further.”

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