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Posted 22/08/2024 8:36am

Pic: Midjourney

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Brand evolves with time,
Reflecting impact and growth,
Innovation shines.

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Social Ventures Australia gets a rebrand via Principals

Social Ventures Australia (SVA) has undertaken a significant rebrand to reflect the not-for-profit organisation's evolution, and highlight its impact in addressing systemic social problems.

Delivered by Principals, the brand refresh project encompassed tone of voice development, a website UX audit, and competitive analysis. The brand strategy was developed to reflect SVA’s focus, with a core positioning of 'Leading the charge against too hard'. An elevator pitch and tagline, 'Innovators for good', were also created to maximise the brand’s impact and attract more clients and partners.

"At SVA we have a history of innovation: from helping to create one of Australia’s largest social enterprises, to scaling a diverse set of impact initiatives, building a social impact consultancy and social impact investment markets. Last year we were awarded Best CSR Innovation by the Australian Financial Review. By working together with a wide range of partners, we can help solve some of the most challenging social issues. We wanted to articulate this process and have the brand better reflect these skills and achievements," said SVA CEO Suzie Riddell. "The evolution of the brand embodies the essence of who we are today and positions us to support our mission as we continue to evolve and tackle social disadvantage in Australia."

SVA has a history of innovation, including creating one of Australia’s largest social enterprises, scaling diverse impact initiatives, building a social impact consultancy and social impact investment markets.

"SVA applies its energy and creative problem solving to address entrenched social issues. The refreshed brand identity reflects this. The brighter and more distinctive design adds warmth and compassion, showing that SVA is a trusted partner and truly makes an impact," said Principals Strategy Director and Principal Moensie Rossier.

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