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Posted 22/08/2024 9:34am

Image by DALL·E Pic: Midjourney

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A brand's fresh new face,
In the pet world, Snooza shines,
No two dogs snooze alike.

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Snooza re-energises 35 year legacy with brand refresh

Australian pet brand Snooza has unveiled a comprehensive brand refresh in a strategic move to align with its new ownership, Happy Hound Collective, whilst still honouring its rich history.

Delivered by strategic brand agency BrandFit, the revamp encompasses a new aesthetic, updated website, and expanded product designs, landing just in time for Snooza's 35th anniversary.

"At Snooza, we are committed to continuously evolving to ensure we remain at the forefront of product innovation and customer experience. As we enter a new phase of the business, we felt it was a pertinent time to refine our brand and embrace our uniqueness, our expertise and our heritage," said General Manager of Snooza, Luke Horton. "We chose to partner with BrandFit to bring our vision to life because they are experts in what they do and had the relevant tools and experience to create a bespoke transformation that honoured Snooza's rich legacy."

Director of BrandFit, Kirby Vann, sought to encapsulate the essence of Snooza and its history of catering to the needs of every Aussie dog. A catchy new tag line, “No two dogs snooze alike”, captures Snooza’s distinctive approach to offering diverse, tailored sleep solutions that hinge on thoughtful design and quality craftmanship.

The revamped website is designed to optimise the buying journey, offering a questionnaire to help customers find products tailored to their dogs' needs and preferences, while the brand's new colour palette draws inspiration from the Australian landscape, complementing its signature red with shades of burnt orange, rich blues, and emerald greens. This aesthetic shift is also reflected in the launch of two new product designs: the Modern Daybed in Emerald Green and the Lux Cuddler in Nutmeg.

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