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Posted 19/07/2024 2:06pm

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UM's Impact Day shines,
A world united in care,
For a better world.

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UM Australia shuts up shop for Impact day

UM Australia recently held its annual Impact Day, a global initiative that saw offices worldwide close their doors as employees participated in community service.

The event saw over 3,200 employees across 50+ countries and 100+ offices participate, including over 400 employees from Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, and Canberra.

The theme for this year's event was 'ONE Day, ONE UM, ONE Better World'. In Australia, the focus was on supporting two local charities: RizeUp, a domestic abuse organisation, and Roundabout Canberra, a charity providing essential items for babies and young children. Activities included fundraising, collecting non-perishable products, household items, and cleaning goods for donation.

"Contributing to the communities we live and work in is important for all of us at UM," said CEO of UM Australia, Anathea Ruys. "Impact Day is a very important way for us to stop, step away and focus on how strong we can be when we all come together."

UM's Impact Day is part of the company's corporate social responsibility unit, Better World, launched in 2016. Globally, UM employees participated in activities around three Impact Day pillars: Equity, Sustainability, and Wellness.

Global CEO, UM, Andrea Suarez, said: "UMers from all over the globe look forward every year to volunteering as one connected team for our beloved Impact Day tradition. Our theme this year, 'ONE Day, ONE UM, ONE Better World' highlights the incredible impact we can have when we harness the power of our collective action to give back to the communities in which we live, serve and flourish."

In Sydney, the UM team supported RizeUp, an organisation supporting families affected by domestic and family violence. "Making an impact is something we should all be aspiring to do each and every day no matter the cause," said Managing Director UM Sydney, Ben McCallum.

In Brisbane, the UM team completed a 10km walk in honour of RizeUp Australia. "We used our walking time to collectively reflect on what it would be like to walk in the shoes of someone fleeing domestic violence," said Government Reporting Director, UM Brisbane, Renae Stokes.

In Canberra, the UM team collaborated with Roundabout Canberra. "Impact Day is a powerful demonstration of the difference UM can make to local communities," said Managing Director, Government, UM, Brett Elliott.

In Melbourne, the UM team also supported RizeUp. "Given the recent spate of domestic violence incidences across the country, RizeUp's cause is more important than ever," said General Manager, UM Melbourne, Adam Russell.

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