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Posted 17/09/2024 9:04am

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DOOH on the rise,
Marketers recognise worth,
Programmatic skies.

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Australia's programmatic DOOH adoption forecast to surge 35% in the next 18 months: VIOOH

Global digital out of home (DOOH) supply-side platform VIOOH has forecast a significant increase in the adoption rate of prDOOH in Australia, predicting a rise to 35% within the next 18 months in its annual State of the Nation Programmatic DOOH (prDOOH) report.

The report reveals that 27% of campaigns in Australia utilised prDOOH in the last year, with 71% of surveyed Australian marketers highlighting prDOOH for its accurate location targeting capabilities.

The use of demand-side platforms (DSPs) has seen a sharp rise over the year, with DSP managed services increasing by 25 percentage points from the previous year to 44% and 95% of marketers either exploring, testing, or actively implementing Dynamic Creative Optimisation.

Looking ahead, 27% of marketers plan to allocate new budgets specifically to programmatic buying in the next year, an increase of 12 percentage points year-over-year. Furthermore, 65% of Australian marketers particularly favour prDOOH for its efficiency and sustainability credentials.

VIOOH partnered with research and strategy agency, MTM, to survey 1,200 advertisers and agencies across the US, UK, Australia, Germany, France, and Brazil to gain insights into the current state of prDOOH advertising.

Chief Executive Officer at VIOOH, Jean-Christophe Conti, said: “In Australia, marketers are drawn to the flexibility, audience relevance, optimised ad revenue potential and sustainability credentials of prDOOH. They’re leveraging its advanced targeting capabilities to deliver highly relevant and dynamic ads across the market, maximising efficiency and minimising wastage. We expect the widespread adoption of prDOOH to accelerate across the Australian market – and we’re looking forward to continuing to drive the evolution of DOOH towards a programmatic, more integrated future in the media landscape.”

Launched in 2018, VIOOH currently trades programmatically in 22 markets, positioning itself at the forefront of the evolving DOOH landscape.

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