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Posted 08/08/2024 10:28am

Image by DALL·E Pic: Midjourney

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Adobe's new tool shines,
AI guides the marketer's hand,
B2B journeys refined.

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Adobe launches Gen AI Journey Optimizer to help B2B marketers reach buyer groups

Adobe has rolled out its Adobe Journey Optimizer (AJO) B2B Edition, a tool designed to provide a comprehensive view of customers across all channels. The new offering, which is built on the Adobe Experience Platform (AEP), utilises generative AI to identify buying groups and create personalised journeys for each individual with AI-generated assets.

The AJO B2B Edition is designed to complement Marketo Engage, a leading B2B marketing automation solution that captures and nurtures leads that can be turned into qualified buying groups. The new tool allows brands to create and assemble buying groups, orchestrate personalised journeys, generate personalised content, improve sales and marketing coordination, and measure and optimise performance.

Adobe already works with major B2B brands including Accenture, Amazon Web Services, Cisco, IBM, Microsoft and NVIDIA. The AJO B2B Edition represents an evolution from lead-based and account-based marketing, addressing blind spots in identifying stakeholders and their product interests.

Senior vice president, Digital Experience Business at Adobe, Amit Ahuja: “Business leaders purchasing technology on behalf of their organisations have increasingly high expectations for how they are engaged online, creating a paradigm shift for B2B marketers. Adobe Journey Optimizer B2B Edition empowers sales and marketing teams to jointly deliver digital experiences that are highly personalised through real-time and unified data, while driving efficiency and productivity gains with the latest generative AI technologies.”

Adobe's generative AI solutions will soon allow users to create additional marketing assets such as entire landing pages and digital forms. This move is set to further enhance the capabilities of B2B marketers, enabling them to deliver more personalised and effective campaigns.

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