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Posted 05/08/2024 10:21am

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Innovid's new tool,
Harmony Frequency shines,
Aims to reduce ad waste.

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Innovid launches Harmony Frequency: A holistic solution for Connected TV and digital advertising

Advertising software platform Innovid has introduced a comprehensive frequency management solution for Connected TV (CTV) and digital advertising, dubbed Harmony Frequency.

The new product provides Demand-Side Platforms (DSPs) with frequency intelligence across a brand's entire media portfolio before they bid, with the aim of reducing ad waste, enhancing campaign effectiveness, and improving the viewing experience.

Harmony Frequency is powered by Innovid's ad server, which tracks every impression, publisher, platform, device, and household, offering holistic frequency intelligence across digital advertising. The solution integrates frequency management insights directly into programmatic buying strategies before the bid is made. The goal is to reduce wasted spend by preventing overexposure, maximise budgets by reallocating spend to underexposed households, and improve the viewing experience by eliminating ad fatigue.

Closed beta tests for Harmony Frequency began earlier this month with leading DSPs, including Yahoo DSP. Harmony Frequency is part of Innovid's Harmony product suite, launched earlier this year to optimise advertising at the infrastructure level. Innovid is headquartered in New York City and serves a global client base through offices across the Americas, Europe, and Asia Pacific.

SVP of Product Strategy & Management at Yahoo, Adam Roodman, said: "Harmony Frequency provides an in-the-moment view of campaign frequency across advertisers' digital channels, helping to close the gap between understanding and action. As the media landscape continues to fragment, automated, holistic frequency capping will play a crucial role in campaign effectiveness. We're excited to bring this offering to our Yahoo DSP advertisers in an effort to help make their campaigns run more efficiently."

SVP, Media & Measurement at ANA, Jason Trubowitz, said: "The ANA supports all efforts to break down walls to bring real-time, transparent intelligence to buyers and sellers for better CTV viewing experiences."

CEO & Co-Founder of Innovid, Zvika Netter, said: "As viewers, we know all too well that seeing the same ad over and over again leads to creative burnout and annoyance with the brand and the platform or app it was delivered on. As a trusted tech platform for the world's largest advertisers, we also know how overexposure leads to waste, hurts performance, and damages brand reputation. With Innovid's universal view of the CTV and digital ecosystem, we are the thread that ties it all together - we can and have solved frequency management. Harmony Frequency is a testament to our commitment to innovation and our dedication to improving the efficiency and effectiveness of CTV and digital advertising for all."

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