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Posted 02/08/2024 2:26pm

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Carbon emissions fall,
SeenThis tech aids GroupM's call,
Green future for all.

In partnership with

GroupM, SeenThis curb 230 tonnes of carbon emissions in first year of partnership

GroupM and SeenThis are moving the dial on global media decarbonisation efforts, saving sover 230 tonnes of carbon emissions in the first year of their global partnership.

The collaboration, which began in 2023, has enabled GroupM and its agencies to manage and minimise carbon emissions while enhancing the performance of display advertising campaigns. The carbon emissions saved are equivalent to charging over 15 million smartphones.

The partnership has seen the full integration of SeenThis technology into GroupM's carbon calculator. This Swedish tech company, evolving screen experiences since 2017, is known for its adaptive streaming technology that transforms the distribution and climate impact of digital content. The technology has been beneficial to around 260 GroupM advertisers across 28 markets, reducing data waste and minimising CO2e emissions.

A recent campaign for UOB, a leading bank in Asia, utilising SeenThis technology, was able to reduce data consumption by 25% and increase the view-through rate by 245%. The technology has now been integrated into GroupM’s carbon calculator, allowing all GroupM advertisers to assess the optimisation impact when using SeenThis in pre-campaign planning. The focus in the near term is to convert successful trials and tests into always-on components of campaigns.

Global Head of Partnerships at GroupM, Kieley Taylor, said: "In 2023 we set out in partnership with SeenThis to minimise emissions using data from our partners. One year on, we are achieving what we said we would do, building on our global framework for media decarbonisation. The success of this partnership marks an important step in our commitment to decarbonise our media supply chain, and the more advertisers opt into SeenThis, the more they can drive positive results across both emissions and performance."

Global Agency Director at SeenThis, Thomas Bowens, said: "Our partnership is one of the first examples of a vendor providing an immediate turn-key solution to enable GroupM to deliver CO2e reductions while enhancing the user experience. We’re thrilled that GroupM is focused on the combination of minimising emissions while maximising performance, and is embracing the use of SeenThis data to share this insight with their advertisers to encourage lower carbon cost of business outcomes."

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