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Posted 22/08/2024 10:43am

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Pies in the oven,\nMen discuss equality,\nChange starts in the crust.",
"rating": "85",
"tags": "agenciesAndConsulting

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'Yeah the Pies!' returns to stir up gender equality conversations among men in adland

Innocean Australia has announced the second instalment of its gender equality program, 'Yeah the Pies!', under the movement 'F*ck The Cupcakes' (FTC).

The initiative, which held it's first event earlier in the year, aims to 'cook up conversations' about gender equality among men, with the second event scheduled for 19 September at Vive Cooking School in Rosebery.

The event will be hosted by executive coach Iain Schmidt, alongside a professional chef, and is open to all men in the industry and beyond. The 'Yeah the Pies' events target the 30% of 'the movable middle' men in Australia, defined by their openness to progress, new ideas, liberal-leaning and empathic nature.

Innocean CEO and Founder of FTC, Jasmin Bedir, said: “We’ve struck a chord with our sentiment that International Women’s Day is meaningless if women continue just to talk to other women. But it is incredibly difficult to get men engaged in the topic of gender equality. Yeah the Pies is an activity based event that gives men a safe space to talk about questions they may have, shoulder to shoulder and get involved in gender equality in a way that benefits us all - while making and eating some good old humble pie."

Key Account Manager at XR Extreme Reach, Chris Waite, who attended the launch event in April, endorsed the initiative. “Back in April, I was fortunate to be invited to the first Yeah the Pies session. Not knowing what to expect, I arrived with both nervous anticipation but also excitement and interest. I needn’t have worried. The task of cooking pastries in a fun and relaxed atmosphere, along with fabulous hosts Brent Draper and Iain Schmidt, meant the conversation between all of the attendees flowed. It didn’t matter what level you were at with the company you worked at (whether Account Director or CEO), we all shared our opinions in an open and free manner. A great couple of hours and I personally learnt so much," said Waite.

Tickets for the event can be secured via a provided link. Innocean Australia is an independent full-service agency, part of the INNOCEAN global agency network established in 2005.

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