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Posted 22/08/2024 8:03am

Pic: Midjourney

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Care at home, a need,\nJust Better Care's new campaign,\nShows support indeed.",
"rating": "85",
"tags": "marketing

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Just Better Care highlights personalised services in new campaign from The Core Agency

Just Better Care, Australia's largest franchised provider of in-home aged care and disability support services, has unveiled a new integrated campaign via The Core Agency.

The campaign features 15-second vignettes that offer a glimpse into the everyday lives of Just Better Care customers as they receive support services across Australia, highlighting the personalised services offered on offer.

Chief Executive Officer of Just Better Care Australia, Alison Chandler, said: “One brand value that has remained consistent in our 19 years of operation is that the customer always comes first, and that each person has choice and control over their services, this campaign only serves to reinforce and celebrate this benefit for all our customers,"

The campaign includes two videos titled 'Jono's Brand of Support' and 'Janet's Brand of Support'. These videos are designed to showcase the unique and individualised support services provided by Just Better Care.

General manager of brand and marketing at Just Better Care, Ryan McMahon, said: “We have a longstanding and valued relationship with The Core Agency and this latest work from the team is consistent with the Core Agency process to get to the core of a brand strategy and nail it,” he said.\n

Co-founder and creative partner at The Core Agency, Jon Skinner, added: “Our latest campaign authentically demonstrates the individuality in which Just Better Care empowers its customers.”

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