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Posted 22/08/2024 1:21pm

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SBS, IMAA unite,
Inclusion training takes flight,
For a future bright.

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IMAA taps SBS as Diversity & Inclusion Partner, unlocking new training for indie media agencies

The Independent Media Agencies of Australia (IMAA) has named the Special Broadcasting Service (SBS) as its official Diversity & Inclusion Partner, in a new initiative that will see the broadcaster deliver inclusion training to over 175 IMAA member agencies.

SBS will provide its Inclusion Program to the IMAA membership, giving access to online training courses on core inclusion skills, gender equality, cultural diversity, disability, First Nations, LGBTIQ+, generational diversity, and appropriate workplace behaviour. The program is designed to help employers maximise the benefits of diversity and inclusion and meet new legal requirements, such as providing specific training around workplace sexual harassment.

"This is a significant partnership for the advertising sector," said SBS Chief Marketing and Commercial Officer, Jane Palfreyman. "SBS lives at the intersection of public and commercial media and this deal means we will be providing important training to many of the leading independent agencies across the advertising sector."

The SBS Inclusion Program content is delivered as short films, animations, interviews, activities, and further reading sections. This comprehensive approach to training is expected to not only educate IMAA members but also ensure compliance with workplace standards.

"We're delighted to partner with SBS to provide this important program for our members. Diversity and inclusion is one of the IMAA's key pillars and the training program provided by SBS will help not only educate our members but also ensure compliance with workplace standards," said IMAA CEO, Sam Buchanan.

This partnership underscores the commitment of both SBS and IMAA to fostering a more inclusive and diverse advertising sector in Australia. By equipping agencies with the necessary tools and training, they are paving the way for a more inclusive future in the industry.

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