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Posted 14/08/2024 10:22am

Pic: Midjourney

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Data unified,
Journey in the digital,
MAG takes to the sky.

In partnership with

Malaysia Aviation Group taps Anchora and GrowthOps for digital transformation

Malaysia Aviation Group (MAG), the parent company of Malaysia Airlines and Firefly, has embarked on a digital transformation journey in collaboration with marketing transformation agency GrowthOps Asia and marketing technology company Anchora. The partnership has resulted in the completion of three significant projects aimed at enhancing MAG's marketing capabilities and delivering a more personalised, data-driven customer experience.

The collaboration focused on unifying customer data, migrating to advanced marketing platforms, and streamlining marketing automation. The partnership implemented the Adobe Real-Time Customer Data Platform (RT-CDP) for MAG, consolidating data from various sources and eliminating data silos across applications within the organisation.

"Our goal was to ensure MAG could deliver targeted campaigns based on comprehensive customer insights. By unifying their data, we enabled MAG to execute personalised campaigns seamlessly across channels, which is already paying dividends in terms of efficiency and accuracy for their marketing team," said Sambhav Jain, Director of Martech at Anchora.

The partnership also led one of the first migrations to Adobe Campaign Managed Cloud (ACMC) v8 for MAG. The third project completed by the partnership was the successful migration of Firefly from Insider to Adobe Campaign Managed Cloud.

"The collaboration has significantly advanced our digital capabilities, enabling us to better understand and engage with our customers, thereby driving long-term business success. The successful delivery of these projects underscores our commitment to innovation and strategic digital transformation," said Clarence Lee, Group Chief Digital Officer from MAG.

"Today, travellers across the world demand seamless and tailored experiences across multiple touchpoints, whether digital or over the counter. At Adobe, we’re proud to enable Malaysia Aviation Group in their mission of delivering hyper-personalised and real-time travel experiences through Adobe Experience Cloud and Real-Time Customer Data Platform. It is exciting to see this collaboration lead the way for the industry on digital transformation and standout traveller experiences," said Simon Dale, Vice President, Asia, Adobe.

"Partnering with Malaysia Aviation Group on these three projects has been a pivotal experience for Anchora. These initiatives highlight our commitment to leveraging advanced martech solutions to drive customer engagement and business growth. Working closely with MAG and GrowthOps Asia has underscored the importance of collaboration in navigating complex technological transitions and achieving impactful results," said Luke Evans, Founder of Anchora.

"By leveraging the strengths of GrowthOps Asia and Anchora, we have significantly enhanced our martech infrastructure offering. This collaboration has empowered us to execute complex marketing initiatives with greater precision and effectiveness, ultimately driving better results for Malaysia Aviation Group and enriching our customer experience," said Tng Boon Keong, Regional Head of Consulting for GrowthOps Asia.


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