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The Deep Dive

By Paul McIntyre - Executive Editor

24 August 2019 7 min read

The Deep Dive

The Deep Dive

Media attribution faces turmoil. Hamilton AI has landed, predicting sales before ads run

By Paul McIntyre - Executive Editor

12 August 2019 6 min read

By Paul McIntyre - Executive Editor

12 August 2019 6 min read

The Deep Dive

The Deep Dive

AI, martech and customer experience - the new show ponies in Cannes

By Neil Shoebridge and Andrew Knowles - Partners, SKMG

30 June 2019 5 min read

By Neil Shoebridge and Andrew Knowles - Partners, SKMG

30 June 2019 5 min read

The Deep Dive

By Paul McIntyre - Executive Editor

16 June 2019 6 min read

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