Experienced talent has borne the brunt of cost cutting over the last 12 months as economic weakness translates into job cuts. For those in their mid-forties and upwards, getting another job is increasingly difficult. They are perceived as too expensive, and by younger managers, a threat. But new research by the Experience Advocacy Taskforce (EAT) and Advertising Industry Careers (AIC), as well as insight from specialist recruiters and in-house talent execs, suggests many senior staff are genuinely happy with lower pressure, mid-ranking jobs – and don’t want the stress or bucks that comes with them. Retired WPP veteran Jon Steedman, his former right hand man, Greg ‘Sparrow’ Graham, plus specialist creative recruiter Lea Walker, UM’s talent heads Monique Black and Shilpa Jayakumar and AIC’s Adam Elliot weigh-in on the ad industry’s “obsession with youth” and the missed opportunity.