Agencies have brushed off brands in-housing threat for years, but its continued rise spells margin danger and is forcing some shops to focus on higher value projects over retainers while staffing up with more seniors and fewer juniors. Latest research from the In-House Agency Council (IHAC) suggests 78 per cent of marketers are using some kind of in-house agency, and they’re quickly siphoning work away from their external partners – now doing the bulk by volume. In 2021, agencies had 70 per cent share of the workload, but IHAC’s latest 2023 data suggests the ratios have now flipped with agencies taking just 30 per cent. That reversal should have agencies scrambling, but bosses are playing it cool. They claim IHAC is overcooking the numbers and predict reverse swing as in-house shops come under cost scrutiny and bloated workloads. Hybrid models, per both sides of the divide, retain both clients and balance. Ogilvy, Hardhat, The Media Store, Treasury Wine Estates, Half Dome, Bank of Queensland, The Hallway, Moose Toys, Today the Brave, IHAC and Tumbleturn weigh in on where next.