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Posted 30/07/2024 8:05am

Pic: Midjourney

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WIRES and tech unite,
Efficiency in rescue,
Wildlife's future bright.

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Wires partners with to boost wildlife rescue efficiency with Hubspot CRM platform

WIRES, Australia's largest native wildlife rescue organisation, has teamed up with tech consultancy to launch a new Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform. The new system is designed to streamline the tracking of rescue submissions, both over the phone and via the WIRES website, with the aim of improving response times and ultimately enhancing animal welfare outcomes.

WIRES boasts over 4,000 volunteers across 28 branches nationwide and operates a dedicated Rescue Call Centre 24/7, 365 days a year. The organisation's 1300 rescue line receives approximately 180,000 calls annually, providing rescue assistance and advice for over 130,000 native animals.

The primary focus of the system upgrade is to replace the existing call management system with HubSpot. HubSpot will also provide a more user-friendly experience for employees, including ticket pipeline automation and a reduction in dual entry. WIRES management will gain better insight into response times and rescues via HubSpot's native reporting.

Leanne Taylor, CEO of WIRES, said, “WIRES is excited to embark on this journey with at a time when demand for our service is significantly increasing. The transition to HubSpot will not only offer a more intuitive user experience, it will allow us to better track and report on rescues underway, while tracking an animal's progress for its full life cycle in WIRES to give them the best possible chance of survival.” is a multi-award-winning global HubSpot partner, recently launched in the US and appointed by a leading Texas-based US National Basketball Association (NBA) team to revolutionise its marketing and communication strategies. Other clients of include Experience Co, global business publisher Key Media, and a leading Australian mortgage broker and accounting software company.

Michelle O’Keeffe, CEO of Engaging, said, “WIRES is an Aussie institution with a mission to protect and preserve Australia's wildlife. As a team of native animal lovers, we are excited by, and committed to, delivering a solution that meets WIRES' unique needs and enables them to continue their vital work with greater efficiency and effectiveness via the HubSpot platform.”

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