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Posted 20/08/2024 8:45am

Pic: Midjourney

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Snapchat's campaign lands,
Less social, more real friends chat,
Aussie users expand.

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Snap's new brand campaign arrives in Australia

Snap has brought its new global brand campaign to Australia, highlighting Snapchat's position as an alternative to other social media platforms.

The campaign, 'Less Social Media. More Snapchat', doubles down on the app's commitment to ephemerality, privacy, and 'real friends only', which it argues sets it apart from its competitors.

The campaign kicks off in Australia Australia today with out-of-home advertising across key commuter hubs and hotspots in Sydney and Melbourne, following its rollout in other key international markets such as the US and UK.

The campaign will also feature tram wraps on the Sydney Light Rail and the Malvern Depot line, as well as a targeted B2B campaign across paid content, media agency screens, and sponsored events. This multi-faceted approach aims to reach a broad audience and reinforce Snapchat's unique selling proposition.

Managing Director of Snap Inc. Australia and New Zealand, Tony Keusgen, said: "From the very beginning, Snapchat was designed to be different. Snapchat is not social media and it never was. In fact, it was built as an antidote to social media, to offer a place where people could be their real selves with their real friends. That’s why our growing community of 8 million Australians love Snapchat."

New research conducted by YouGov suggests that Australians feel happier when direct messaging with family and close friends, and are more likely to feel happy when using messaging apps compared to social media. The research also found that messaging apps are more likely to support emotional health than social media platforms.

According to Snapchat it has a significant reach in Australia, with 80% of 13-24 year-olds and 75% of 13-34 year-olds across the country using the platform. Almost 45% of Australian Snapchatters are 25 years or older, indicating the platform's appeal extends beyond the younger demographic.

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