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Posted 20/08/2024 8:01am

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Digital Natives rise,
A shift in design beckons,
Inclusion the prize.

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R/GA Australia's 'Gen One report' calls for a shift in digital design priorities

R/GA Australia has unveiled a new study, 'The Gen One Report', which identifies a significant flaw in current digital experiences. The report suggests that these experiences are predominantly tailored to Digital Adopters, rather than Digital Natives. The study is based on insights gathered from over 1,500 Australians aged 15 and above, using a combination of diary studies, in-depth interviews, and quantitative analysis.

The report argues that the digital landscape has been shaped for and by Digital Adopters, individuals who were not born into the digital world but have adapted to it over time. It advocates for a shift in design priorities to cater to Digital Natives, who have elevated expectations of technology due to their lifelong exposure to it. The research suggests that by designing for Digital Natives, we can benefit everyone and ensure no one is left behind.

The report emphasises the need for a shift from digital literacy to digital empathy, with key findings around Gen One's optimism and anxiety, content consumption and well-being, and privacy, trust, and ethical concerns. It proposes strategies for engagement including multi-generational design architecture, hedonic and emotional design, and hyper-personalisation and gamification.

Tish Karunarathna, Executive Director of R/GA Public Practice, commented on the report's findings, "We set out to understand what makes Gen One different, so everyone can benefit from a digital-first world. Persisting with a Digital Adopter-centric design approach risks alienating Gen One and limiting technological adoption. It’s time for us to learn from Gen One to accelerate toward a more inclusive digital future."

Victoria Curro, Managing Director of R/GA Australia, echoed these sentiments, "Australia’s largest demographic is the one that’s never known a world without the internet. We have to evolve the user experience to address the expectations of a generation born with technology, and in doing so we’ll create a more inclusive and accessible future for everyone."

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