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Posted 09/08/2024 9:46am

Image by DALL·E Pic: Midjourney

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North West's call to roam,
For the 50+ to find home,
In Queensland's vast dome.

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North West Queensland's Too Great to Wait campaign targets 50+ market

North West Queensland (NWQ) has launched a new campaign that's set to put North West Queensland (NWQ) on the map for the 50+ market.

The campaign, titled 'Too great to wait', aims to encourage over 50s to consider the NWQ region for longer stays and more immersive experiences. The focus is on elevating the region's unique experiences and events for a targeted audience in Queensland, New South Wales, and Victoria.

The campaign highlights the region's key routes, the Overlanders Way and the Savannah Way, with the Matilda Way serving as the connecting route. The campaign positions these routes as unmissable experiences for those seeking to explore the region.

The campaign will be in-market from 8 August to 5 October 2024, with the goal of driving immediate travel. A second burst is planned for April to June 2025 to stimulate travel for the 2025 season.

The creative approach of the campaign is an invitation to hit the road and discover the North West region of Queensland. It profiles the incredible experiences, pristine landscapes, and exciting events on offer in the region.

Industry players can get involved by ensuring their Australian Tourism Data Warehouse (ATDW) listing is up to date, loading deals for promotion across, and aligning their deals with the campaign dates for maximum exposure. Businesses can have up to three deals loaded at a time to align with Tourism and Events Queensland’s (TEQ) other campaigns.

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