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In partnership with
Posted 09/08/2024 1:15pm

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Two firms unite, aim,
To tap multicultural vein,
In marketing game.

In partnership with

CulturalPulse, Bastion alliance offers clients full-service CALD communications

CulturalPulse, a multicultural marketing agency, has teamed up with Bastion Cross-Cultural Insights in strategic alliance to tap into Australia's multicultural market.

The two agencies will partner to offer a full-service Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) communications group in Australia, targeting an audience that represents half of the country's population.

The alliance combines Bastion's expertise in multicultural research with CulturalPulse's proprietary CALD measurement and marketing execution services. The goal is to support businesses in confidently pursuing the untapped multicultural audience, thereby fostering innovation, agility, and cost-effectiveness in a soft economy.

General Manager of Bastion Cross-Cultural Insights, Isabel Zhang, said: "More than half of our population come from an international background. Given the current soft economy, businesses need to be innovative, agile, and cost effective. This partnership aims to support and guide businesses in confidently pursuing the untapped multicultural audience that represents half of Australia’s population."

Chief Growth Officer at CulturalPulse, Karissa Fletcher, said: "Successfully engaging with multicultural audiences to access new growth opportunities requires knowledge and expertise. It is a task that can be daunting for brands and marketers, and it can get put into the too-hard basket. By partnering with the Bastion Cross Cultural Insights Team, we can offer clients CulturalPulse's CALD measurement capability through AskGenie and deliver CALD community amplification and engagement across more than 100 CALD segments. Together we are expertly building a team of multicultural experts who understand the diversity of Australian consumers and in turn, deliver tailored in-culture and in-language communications that reach and resonate with target cultures to drive growth and business outcomes."

To further explore the benefits of multicultural marketing, Bastion Cross-Cultural Insights and CulturalPulse will host a thought leadership webinar on Wednesday, August 21, 2024. The webinar will feature representatives from MLA and experts on trade and APAC Marketing.

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