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Posted 08/08/2024 6:49pm

Pic: Midjourney

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Unlocking potential,
AFFINITY takes the lead,
Brands' growth is their creed.

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Affinity shifts gears, debuts 'Growth Accelerator' positioning

Affinity has unveiled its new 'Growth Accelerator' brand positioning, reflect the independent agency's mission to empower ambitious brands to unlock their potential through a comprehensive business analytical approach and proven strategies.

Affinity's offerings span advisory, brand creativity, data & technology, CX, EX & CRM, and media. The company has been refining its service offering internally and with clients for the past two years.

Group CEO at AFFINITY, Luke Brown, said: "Potential is such an elusive quantity. So many business leaders can sense the latent potential within their business, but they often struggle to pinpoint it and then actualise or realise that potential." He adds, "While we’re excited to make this announcement, we’ve been living and refining this offering internally and with our clients for the past two years, so it’s nothing new for us."

"Agencies as a collective have lost their prominence. I don’t think there are too many business leaders and CEOs that lie awake at night thinking the first call they’ll make in the morning will be to their PR, digital, ad or whatever agency to solve whatever existential problem they have," said Brown.

CEO, Angela Smith, said: "We’ve been a part of the agency-verse for a long time and have always worked to not become complacent, to constantly seek to be better, to ask why we do things the way we do...To be sustainable, you have to be able to solve multiple problems, appealing to the entire C-suite, through thinking across adjacent areas of technical ability: brand, data & tech, customer data, and media to deliver change at a business level rather than just spitting out greater volumes of comms pollution."

AFFINITY has a track record of success, having reversed a five-year decline for Tourism Central Coast, generating $283 million in incremental tourism revenue, achieving a 34% increase, and attracting an additional 2.14 million visitors over three years. The company has also won over 70 IPA effectiveness awards.

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